From Nita Edwards:
Dear Friends,
Our team has several projects and I ask you to prayerfully consider them. You can pick the project and give as much or as little as you choose. When we finish each project, we will be able to do more to share Jesus with the world. These projects are over and above your regular giving. We know some people love to give to projects, so here is the opportunity. Please call if you have questions (703-642-0124).
In The Master’s Service,
Nita Edwards
Purchase Electronic Equipment
To Increase Efficiency, Effectiveness & Update Technology
How you can help: Pay for one or more pounds. Each pound is $43.13
Our goal: 400 pounds @ $43.13 per pound
Renovation Mortgage
Mortgage Used To Renovate The Prayer Center After Purchase.
How you can help: Pay for one or more square feet at $35.56 per square feet.
Our goal: Payoff loan for 1406 Square Feet @ $35.56/per sq feet
Matching Grant To Hire Staff
More People Help Us To Do More
A partner will give ALIVE GLOBAL $72,000 if the ministry raises $36,000. For every $1 you give we will receive $2.
How you can help: Pay for one or more hours.
Our Goal: 2700 Hours at $46 Per Hour
Employee Benefits
Pay back salary to staff and housing allowance.
The total owed = 314 days @ $178.24/per day.
How you can help: Pay part of a day or several days. Your gift will directly bless our two paid staff.
Our Goal: 314 Days at $178.24/Per Day
Consistent Funding For Internet Radio Production
How you can help: Give $1 a day ($31 a month) to Hope64. This will fund the voice, translator, radio engineer, website & streaming host plus our programmer.
Our Goal: 100 Monthly Hope Senders in 2017
Purchase Prayer Center
Build Recording Studio
Deliver Bibles in Mongolia